Excerpts from the
Declaration of Independence
July 4th, 1776
The Rally for Our Cause!

"When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another . . . We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed . . . That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness . . . But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security."

Are we not at such a crossroads in our country once again?
that address the ROOT CAUSES of
Now more than ever!
We need to be a
WE NEED to solve our problems.
A conservative, smaller, reformed and innovative government.
Revisionism Is the Cynicism Paving the Road to Deception and Corruption

Randy Smith, 9-18-13

CORRUPTION's main tool is DECEPTION. It has no foundation in TRUTH, but upon LIES. Corruption actors deceive by presenting masked or outright lies, while hiding truth. Like a cockroach running to hide when the lights are turned on corruption works to avoid the light to expose the darkness. They employ BIG MONEY/GOV/BIZ/MEDIA to conduct corrupt behavior. All such robs us ALL of LIBERTY, JUSTICE and FREEDOM.

Such behavior is unacceptable and if left unchecked, will cause the foundation of which it stands to collapse or conform to corrupt activity. We can no longer afford apathy. Now is the time to TAKE A STAND FOR LIBERTY AND FREEDOM, before our foundation becomes CORRUPT BEYOND REPAIR. The Road to VICTORY FOR LIBERTY and FREEDOM rests with WE THE PEOPLE. All it takes for CORRUPTION to grow is for GOOD PEOPLE to do NOTHING.

In our public schools and with our mainstream media, REVISIONISM, or the rewriting of TRUE HISTORY and THE IGNORING OF FACTS NOT FAVORED BY CORRUPT ACTORS, has effectively uprooted our culture of BEING ONE NATION UNDER GOD and one full of GOD-FEARING, BIBLE BASED MORALITY. It has replaced it with presenting a version of history that is full of OMISSIONS and SPINNING and TWISTING of the TRUTH.

Pastor Jacks Hibbs of Calvary Chapel Chinos Hills is a CONSERVATIVE PATRIOT that has focused much of his time and ministry resources to exposing REVISIONISM and sharing the omitted truths about AMERICAN HISTORY.

See below excerpts from one of his recent broadcasts about "Being A Christian While Being On Campus, Part 3."

Pastor Jack Hibbs, aired September 13, 2013

"Our kids are growing up today in a godless system with secular textbooks that make fun of God, mock Jesus Christ and pay more attention to Marilyn Monroe than George Washington. How will Marilyn Monroe help you in life versus the incredible perseverance of George Washington? . . .

History is 'His Story' to us! Those that fail to learn history will be bound to repeat it.

Thomas Jefferson, Dr. Benjamin Rush and Benjamin Franklin all united to form the abolitionist movement to stamp out slavery. Did you know that? No because you know what we just heard from a kid "Oh man what has America done for me? All those founding fathers were a bunch of slave owners."

You know what they did own slaves . . . It was very vogue to own slaves in Europe and America. Were all the slave owners nice to their slaves? No! But were their slave owners that bought as many slaves as they could to feed them, cloth them and educate them? Which was against the law by the way. King George said you educate a slave and I'll send someone to kill you. Did you know it was against the law to lead a slave to Christ? Because they didn't have the approval of England. Thomas Jefferson taught slaves to read out of the Bible. These three guys wanted to set America free!

Everyone is having to apologize for America and their Judeo-Christian values.

Where was Europe and America buying slaves from and who were they buying them from?

(Question) What was the United States first international war? The United States first international war was in 1805, commenced via order of Thomas Jefferson when he launched an attack against the invasion of the Barbary Muslim pirates in North Africa in the Mediterranean Sea to force thousands of slaves that had been taken captive, stolen from their African villages. Did you know that?! Did you learn that in school? How come?

Our first international war was against Islamic pirate terrorists on the high seas of the Mediterranean who stole, took from their villages Africans. And took them to Alexandria, took them to Tripoli and sold them on the international slave market to America.

Thomas Jefferson said this wrong! He launched an armada and sent the US Marine Core on their first international mission. Eight of them! Don't laugh! There were only eight, but you know what, they did? They whipped em and got them free! Why don't you guys know this stuff? It's available!

You see revisionist will tell you what they want you to know!

American history is awesome and God is all in it if you take the time to learn it!

A third example - Who is considered to be one of the greatest scientist that America has produced?

- He wrote an almanac
- He made a clock out of a piece of wood and it was only one second off after 50 years!
- He designed the beltway of Washington DC
- He was an astronomer
- He was a physicist
- He was a botanist, a farmer
- An amazing mathematician, probably the best mathematician we've ever had. Harvard students senior year graduating cannot solve his problems. Only a few of them ever have!

His name is Benjamin Banneker. Have any of you heard of him?

Thomas Jefferson wrote to the King of France and said you gotta have this guy over. He's brilliant. And when he showed up and got off the boat in France the king freaked because Benjamin Banneker was a black man."

Listen to this complete broadcast for free and more broadcasts from Pastor Jack Hibbs here.
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